Saturday, March 5, 2011

Soper's Hole and One Love - day 1 of 10

Soper's Hole is on the west end of Tortola Island and the home of Voyage Charters.
Our boat is called "One Love". What a great name. Much better than "Charger of the Seaward Mount", or "Ocean King of the God Poseidon" or some other pretentious drivel. She looks seaworthy, which is more than I can say for her crew.

We had breakfast and then experienced "Island time ver 2.0" delivery 2 hours late. While we were waiting for the food to show up we had our boat checkout briefing. A lean and tanned guy named Peter did the honors. He kept asking if we had any questions. We didn't. He thought it was because we were crusty old sailors. We knew it was because we hadn't a clue. I told him his job must really suck. "I wake up with a smile every day" he says. "Plus I'm married to the owner's daughter".

I couldn't help but notice that all the people scurrying about getting ready for their journeys were all old like us...except for the trophy wives strutting around.

Next we went over to Pusser's (number 327 of 634. One in every cove; much like Starbucks) for lunch. I don't recommend the quesadillas. We then moseyed back over to the boat. Peter took us off the dock and a little ways down the marina and then we were on our own.

Your crew for this voyage

Todd and Kelly

Steve and Norma

Chuck and Cynthia


The deck wenches

Standing out from Soper's Hole

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