Monday, March 7, 2011

Marina Cay - days 2 and 3 of 10

We motored out of Long Bay (after getting the dinghy painter unfouled from the prop) into the channel headed "that-a-way". Once comfortably away from land Todd says "So, do we want to try to sail this thing?" Personally, this would be the first time I had ever been on a sailboat under sail so I was all for it. I've been on a few sailboats but there was never any wind so we got the 4 knot tour of the San Juan Islands. The nice thing about this trip was that there was never any shortage of wind.
I was real anxious to start pulling on stuff. "So what do you suppose this here blue rope does?" "That raises the thingy up. But first you have to unlatch the dimafligy and crank on the whatchamacallit." Kind of a comedy of errors, but by the end of the trip we were pretty good at it.

Hood Ornaments

Looks like 6 more weeks of winter...

We wandered up "that-a-way" along the north shore of Tortola, and on up past Guana Island. We were looking for the Monkey something or other; monkey paw, monkey tail, monkey bay, monkey point, monkey grip...anyways we figured that we must have passed it so headed up around the north end of Great Camel-toe Island and down
to Marina Cay where we latched onto a mooring buoy.

"This tiny island is the subject of author Robb White's novel, "Two on the Isle". White and his wife Rodie bought Marina Cay in 1937 and proceeded to build their home perched atop the peak, an idyllic setting to be sure. Through many struggles, they managed to complete their task ... which was no mean feat in those days. A set of unfortunate circumstances, (World War II and an uncooperative BVI government) brought their dream to a disappointing end.

Today, Robb & Rodie's original home serves as a reading lounge/book swap for Pusser's hotel & villa guests. Charles Tobias, owner of Pusser's, purchased Marina Cay then set about building a very small and intimate resort, gift shop and another Pusser's Restaurant on this charming, 8 acre island." - Bareboats BVI

We needed to off-load garbage and on-load ice and a few provisions (painkiller fixin's mostly) so headed in to shore.

Marina Cay has the requisite store/gift shop and wait a minute...look over that a Pusser's? Why by golly it is. Better tank up!

Steve reading the menu telepathically

After getting legally drunk, a splinter group of the gang went snorkeling, returning to the boat for a sumptuous meal of whatever was lying around. The next day was high winds with advisories ("If you want to weed out the gene pool, go sailing today"). So another night in Marina Cay then off to some other place.

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