Sunday, March 13, 2011

Peter Island to Norman Island - Day 9 of 10

After leaving our anchorage at Peter Island (after church of course) we headed down-island to a primo snorkeling spot that the real BVIers had gone to before. Knowing that our trip was fast approaching its end we used this time productively; primarily for heavy maintenance and clean up.
We had to stop short of the intended snorkeling spot because of the wind and anchored up in a more sheltered location and launched "Piglet" and headed for shore.

One Love, standin' tall

She kind of reminds me of a devoted puppy looking forlornly out the living room window while her master drives away.

This area was what I guess you could call a desert island.

They all look pretty relaxed. Only one looks passed out.
Is that a whiskey bottle Cap'n Tobb?

Norma reflecting: "Tell me again why we invited that guy?"

There's and old island legend that says that if you lie around here long enough, your brain will take root and you can never leave:

After our 43 minutes of snorkeling we continued our journey on to Norman Island and the Pirate's Bight (or blight, depending on your blood-alcohol level).

Some awesome Steve photos:

The Indians and Pelican Island

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