Saturday, March 5, 2011

No'll be great!

This isn't going to be a blog per se; mostly a place to post pictures.

Also, go to my Spot Adventures page to see the route we took and zoom in for all the gory details. When the page opens, close the little graph thingy and zoom WAY in. Click on the map to drag it around.

To start off with, we had to find a care-giver to give care to our cat in our prolonged absence. The in-laws graciously consented to house sit for us. We have few visitors here so the cat doesn't know that there are other inhabitants of this planet.

My thinking regarding the cat was that the in-laws should leave her inside for a couple days until she got used to them, then let her go outside when she wanted. Well, the entire time that they were here they caught two fleeting glimpses of her streaking by. After that, nothing. The food pile went down, the litter pile went up so they knew she was at least materializing briefly from whatever dimension she was hiding in. In less than five minutes from walking in the door when we returned she was there to greet us.

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